Fantastic shot! Pity it was our own installation, sir
Dave | May 31, 2012
So, I’m sitting here, minding my own business, and I’m linking to “Why is Peggy the nickname for Margaret?” It is oddly relevant.
Dave | May 31, 2012
So, I’m sitting here, minding my own business, and I’m linking to “Why is Peggy the nickname for Margaret?” It is oddly relevant.
Dave | May 30, 2012
Did you know there was a real, live Bob Evans? And that his old farm is open to the public? And that he died in a shootout with Colonel Sanders? Ok, I made the last part up.
Norr | May 29, 2012
Dave | May 28, 2012
Spent the weekend at a little place on the river in Choptank, Md. My upper back is sore, possibly from the kayaking, or loading the kayak, or the fact I was driving a Mazda mini-van. And don’t let anyone tell you that lobbing bowling balls at passing cars from atop the Chesapeake Bay Bridge isn’t […]
Dave | May 26, 2012
So I got the Camaro hoodie stripped enough to paint. So I “etched” it. So that’s why it’s kind of dull. So now I’ll put on primer next Wednesday or so, sand, and paint.
Dave | May 25, 2012
I’m going to the hardware bar store. Then probably going to Tractor Supply Company. Anyone want anything? Let me know in the comments!
Dave | May 24, 2012
The rigor mortis is excellent!
Norr | May 22, 2012
I wanted to take a trip to a Light house.
Dave | May 21, 2012
Big big week up at the Couch this week! We’re launching our bi-annual edition of episode 1 of the “Hairy Couch”, with special guest Harry C. Pharisee! And a big exciting part about 47 minutes in when we pause for him to take a piss. I thought he meant in the bathroom. Fuck You, Dryer: […]
Dave | May 21, 2012
New… something… later tonight. Keep your ears peeled.