The New Aggressive Couch!

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Aggressive Couch 30: Free Meal to Beaver

| June 30, 2010

So here we are again sleeping on the Couch.  Dave was massively hung over tired and kept passing out.  Fortunately we had already taped the Steve Jobs interview. The worst food is the best food – deal with it!  Anybody that complains about ‘too much salt’ or ‘that’s high in unsaturated fat’ or ‘that […]

I’m Tenderized!

| June 26, 2010

Or maybe he said “I Tenderize!”  Damn you Eric Davidson! Autocross went well.  I ran a half decent time – tune in next week to see how decent – and nobody else signed up in my class so I think I won again. I stopped at Ollie’s on the way home and picked up a […]

Phone job

| June 25, 2010

Steve Jobs is dropping by on Monday to discuss the new iPhone 4, the iMaxiPad, the iPod, and Apple’s corporate strategy to make all Americans even more materialistic.  Don’t miss it!

World of Cups

| June 22, 2010

There’s something goin’ on called the World of Cups.  It’s some sport that they call ‘football’, but it’s nothing like football.  It’s more like soccer!  They don’t touch the ball, nobody ever scores, and the players have IQ’s higher than their inseams.

Aggressive Couch: Better Than a Stickball In the Eye

| June 20, 2010

So we are off again this week.  Here is another awful filler classic segment from podcasts long since past: Urban Legends.

NEw fun gAme!

| June 19, 2010

Join me for the new bored game from Aggressive Couch studios: Inflate-A-Cat! Fun for the whole family! Except the cat.

Beyond Perversion?

| June 17, 2010

I was going to write something about the Smurfs. But, I think this picture speaks for it’s self. I had know idea. They were going for the gritty reboot.

Interesting Web Link no. 41

| June 17, 2010

Part #67 in our ongoing series of interesting websites we actually visit. Things my girlfriend and I have argued about. I want to buy one or two of his books. I loved his guide to Kill the Prez.

Aggressive Couch 29: Inflatable Chunkers

| June 12, 2010

Games are too long. Games are too short. You have no privacy online. WebTV, A Look Back. What would you tell yourself from 15 years ago? Wishbooks and reading materials in the can.

Aggressive Couch is off this week.

| June 6, 2010