The New Aggressive Couch!

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Bow to it!

| December 18, 2012

It is back. The McRib and you know you have asked for it. Modeled your life after it. Cleaned up cars because you vomit them up. For some reason people love this shit. The sandwich has loyal customers that follow it. I can say ” I have never had a McRib.”. Does this make me […]

Bathrooms at Preseason football games still shitty

| August 26, 2012

As the start of a new football season is upon us. Many fans are finding the ” same old, same old” at stadiums. ” It looked like a shit fan was sprayed everywhere!” exclaimed Marty Witz. Outside the bathrooms at Ralph Wilson Stadium. ” We come to these games spending our hard earned money. The […]

Aggressive Couch 28: Lips and Assholes

| May 29, 2010

Laura (mostly) talked into… the bus… We were in love… People read too… Laura crashing her dad’s truck… “I Do Not Want to Have Any Meat for Dinner; Let’s Have Hot Dogs”… suicide pact.