Is That a Bonga
Dave | March 31, 2014
Is that a day? Is that a boat! Well, I need to go nap and make a list of all the things I need to do this week, from burning trees, to tying up bushes, to gutting my Camaro, to checking Spike’s bolts.
Dave | March 31, 2014
Is that a day? Is that a boat! Well, I need to go nap and make a list of all the things I need to do this week, from burning trees, to tying up bushes, to gutting my Camaro, to checking Spike’s bolts.
Dave | March 30, 2014
Well, I beat 1 car Two days, two 2nd place finishes. And now you must sleep. Here, take these kittens. They go down smoother if you lather them up! Er, yes. I don’t have anything to write, so I’m just typing random shit in the hope that it might seem funny. After three beers, she’ll […]
Dave | March 29, 2014
God, I need a nap. May I sleep curled up next to the wood chipper?
Dave | March 28, 2014
I will be gone this weekend, gadding about and violating reindeer.
Dave | March 27, 2014
The guy that played drums on that is dead.
Dave | March 26, 2014
I am watching A Red Green Christmas, and it’s not July!
Dave | March 25, 2014
If I don’t wash dishes soon I’ll be forced to eat cat food from the CAN.
Dave | March 24, 2014
The guy from Gwar is dead. I didn’t know he was Canadian! This is yet another “Are you as shallow as me?” things. Are you? Well, you soon will be.
Dave | March 23, 2014
I saw Bat Boy at the York Little Theater last night. It was OK. Bland plot that served only to link together some truly funny dialog. Sufficiently quirky. I’d reccommennnd it, especially the leading bat. Still a few days left to see it! I also ran into a former co-worker there. He wasn’t in the […]
Dave | March 21, 2014
Is it true that water tastes better after you boil it in water?