Dave | December 9, 2021
Where is the missing November episode?
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Comments Off on Aggressive Couch 88: Rocket 88
Tags: arrested, blitzkreig bop, christmas, friends getting arrested, gift registry, megatron, ramones
Dave | November 22, 2019
This month, the sound quality takes another dive down the shitter. I’m not blaming anyone but it’s not our fault! Also, we dropped carrier twice during the conversation. Ah! A modern modem reference! This month, we take a look at the major holiday nobody really cares about, Thanksgiving. Let’s face it, friends, all non-religious holidays […]
Category: Uncategorized |
Comments Off on Aggressive Couch 71: Thanksgiving Sort Of Sucks
Tags: alcohol, bad audio quality, black friday deals, parade, pizza, ramones, sex by mail, shopping riot, thanks cogan, Thanksgiving, why does anyone listen to this
admin | November 24, 2010
It’s Turkey day! Get out your fez and get the taser(c)! This album doesn’t suck, but it can’t leave soon enough. Companies are selling College athletes when you see that the thing you really can go to the mall in blackface.
Category: Podcast |
Comments Off on Aggressive Couch 42: This Will Get Done
Tags: black friday, blackface, but it was on sale, canada, cheating, college, football, joey, McRib, mondo bizarro, ramones, university
admin | November 22, 2010
There was going to be a new Couch today but someone had to cancel due to their emu having a toothache. So to get you in the mood for what would have been in the cushions of the Couch this week: New Couch to follow ASAP.
Category: "Cool" or "useful" links, Entertainment |
Comments Off on A Taste of the Couch Part II
Tags: 1981 version, ramones, touring
admin | November 10, 2009
There was a big bumper crop of bears this year, so if you want bears, just, you know, go round some up. Does Bob Mould go to Boyd’s Bear Barn? I don’t want to know. This week, we tackle yet more insensitive topics of no real importance. We double team Ramones Mania, complain about stupid […]
Category: Podcast |
Comments Off on Aggressive Couch Episode 11: Bob’s Bear Barn
Tags: bear, bob mould, dancing shows, double team, fake green, hippies, lesbian porno, natal, ramones, ramones mania, when's the trend