Have a Heavy Christman
Dave | July 30, 2015
I bought a Logitech thumbwheel mouse replacement thing. What are they called? Trackballs? Centipede controller is what it is.
Dave | July 30, 2015
I bought a Logitech thumbwheel mouse replacement thing. What are they called? Trackballs? Centipede controller is what it is.
Dave | July 29, 2015
Work continues apace on the “Zee Ray”. I wish the PCB layout tool I have to use at work didn’t suck quite so hard.
Dave | July 28, 2015
House is on market soon! Good, because the ones I want to buy keep being sold.
Dave | July 24, 2015
Motley Crue is retiring at the end of the year. (Sorry, I mean Motléy Crué). And with Mick Mars’ deteriorating health, they might even mean it.
Dave | July 23, 2015
I listened to The Weirdness by the Stooges again today. I liked it when it came out, and I like it now. Maybe it’s because I wasn’t really expecting anything from it (thereby giving it a fair chance) or maybe it’s because their earlier albums really aren’t that great, either. The first album has NOT […]
Dave | July 21, 2015
Realtor was at house today. Seems to think I can sell it for $50k. I think anything over fifty cents would be over-paying but hey, not my problem.
Dave | July 20, 2015
If you’re like me, you enjoy spending your warm summers evenings inside. I have been playing Amazing Frog. It’s not Goat Simulator, but it’ll do. I just got ated by a shark!
Dave | July 19, 2015
I mopped the floor of my house today! Now, I bet half of you are thinking that this must be the first time I’ve mopped it in the ten years I’ve owned it. The other half of you are snarkily saying “he must be setting up a lame joke about this not being the first […]
Dave | July 17, 2015
I called the realtor today. Actually, I drove there. You know who my realtor will be? Adam Savage! Er, Flinchbaugh.
Dave | July 16, 2015
I was going to link to this guy’s blog earlier in the week, but he hadn’t updated in a few days. It’d be just my luck that I’d link to it just before it disappeared (re:Beavis Audio). But he’s just posted something again so here we go! LET OPC PROCEED! J.G. Two Land!