The New Aggressive Couch!

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Thanks to Yanger Bangers

| April 19, 2012

While I was driving and wearing my Google glasses. Taking a call and updating my Facebook at the same time. I realized I was driving on the wrong side of the road. Thanks Google maps!

Asking Apelee

| April 10, 2012

Dear Apelee, Since, the Encyclopaedia Britannica is no longer going to be published in paper form. Where can I get this information? Thanks, Harnee Harnee, What is wrong with you? If you need any information you seek it from your elders. They know everything. If they don’t know the answer to your question. Maybe you […]

Aggressive Couch 52: A Stirring Debate

| June 14, 2011

Did anyone watch the GOP debate on TV? What do you mean, ‘you have lives?’ You’re listening to this podcast! Why do People Trust the Interent: People continue to spread the McDonald’s “racism” hoax even after it was exposed as a hoax If You Don’t Understand It Revisited: If you don’t understand something don’t use […]

Aggressive Couch 51: Maybe THIS Will Work….

| June 7, 2011

Welcome to episode 51 of the Aggressive Couch, entitled: episode 51 of the Aggressive Couch. I am your host, Anchor Man. In this episode, it’s just like the one from last time. And if you didn’t listen last time well then tough shit. Burgers and Weiners: Congressman Weiner put a picture of his dick […]

Aggressive Couch 44: Yes….

| January 25, 2011

Well, that was easy!  We are back with another podcast!  This week: Facebook Mistakes: Have you friended anyone and regretted it? Have you posted something and had to apologize? Why did you friend the Energizer Bunny anyway? Super Cool Tough Guys: What makes a man tough? Is a football player wimping out when he […]

Aggressive Couch: 40 oz

| November 8, 2010

Drink your Couch today!

Aggressive Couch 29: Inflatable Chunkers

| June 12, 2010

Games are too long. Games are too short. You have no privacy online. WebTV, A Look Back. What would you tell yourself from 15 years ago? Wishbooks and reading materials in the can.

Aggressive Couch Episode 5: Frosted Dead Wheats

| September 6, 2009

Hello you bop-daddies! Put your indent into the couch! We here at the Aggressive Couch, and its wholly owned subsidiary, the Aggressive Sectional, bring you another week of entertaining news and culture and gossip. In other words, we complain a lot. But Ron says his wife thinks we’re funny. In this installment, we discuss how […]