Norr | December 31, 2010
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Norr | December 31, 2010
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Dave | December 31, 2010
Whose idea was it to have a tree for every holiday? Again! This year, I broke with tradition and used an elm tree instead of red maple. But I’ll be damned if I’m bringing in that white birch for Valentine’s Day this year.
Dave | December 30, 2010
An interesting interview with Joel Hodgson on how Cinematic Titanic has evolved since it started. It was about 20 months ago when I saw them in Philly.
Dave | December 29, 2010
It’s nice to know somebody else agrees with me and Mark Veneer about Conan vs Leno.
Dave | December 28, 2010
Upset because Mother’s Day is this Friday and you suck as a bartender? Now you can pour perfect shots with the Pousse-Café, using a box, some duct tape, and one of those new fangled ‘computers’ that the kids rave about. Couching to return next Monday. Keep ’em peeled.
Dave | December 26, 2010
What would it look like if George Romero directed Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood? Same as it ever did, apparently.
Dave | December 25, 2010
Since Santa still hasn’t responded to my request for an interview, I thought I’d link to this. Posted on Cracked: “See, for years Bill O’Reilly types have been talking about a “war on Christmas” and while we haven’t taken the time to research the details, we want Bill to know we are ready to join […]
Dave | December 24, 2010
admin | December 23, 2010
Dave | December 22, 2010
Hayes Carll: She Left Me for Jesus