When Will VHS Make a Comeback?
Dave | May 31, 2011
You know, like records, bellbottoms, and Atari? Here are the answers, and they might surprise you!
Dave | May 31, 2011
You know, like records, bellbottoms, and Atari? Here are the answers, and they might surprise you!
Dave | May 30, 2011
Go to this site and watch the intro. This is for a movie done by Pat “Red Green” McKenna and Rick “Red Green” Green, produced by Steve “Red Green” Smith. Also, check out the Bill ADDventures! And no, the Couch has the week off. And the Sectional. Has the week off.
Dave | May 29, 2011
I was looking forward to writing another long, boring entry about painting my spare bedroom, but I finished painting it last week, so we’re scuppered. Instead, I’ll write a long boring post about all the shit I did to my Camaro so far this weekend! Yesterday, I finally got around to removing the A/C compressor. […]
Dave | May 28, 2011
No idea if we’re Couching Monday, what with this being Labor Day weekend and all.
Dave | May 27, 2011
Cuttlefish are jet propelled aquatic molluscs, sort of like squid’s retarded cousins. The name ‘cuttle’ is derived from the old english word for ‘scrotum’. Despite having good optical resolution of around 359 DPI, cuttlefish are particularly useless as monitors because of their need to be kept wet and the lack of HDMI ports. […]
Dave | May 25, 2011
Today’s Straight Dope Classic is a classic. Why did the Magi consider frankincense and myrrh such valuable gifts?
Norr | May 25, 2011
The new Weird Al album is scheduled for June 21st. So, you can barley brush your teeth or comb your hair. Your on the right track.
Dave | May 24, 2011
“Well you’ve come the only place where you can learn all about Basitars and Guitbasses, and even learn how to play them and join the froggies and monkeys,” said some site. Yesterday.
admin | May 23, 2011
Dave | May 23, 2011
Aargh! Pick one fucking headphone jack size and stick to it!