The New Aggressive Couch!

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Football Fox Predictions for 2013!

| January 1, 2015

Football Fox here. And here are my fearless predictions for the season of “foots balls”. Grouse are proving tastier than robins this year, so that means the Patriots will be eliminated in the early playoffs. That stupid farmer almost caught me in that damn trap again. I interpret this to mean the Cowboys will be […]

Aggressive Couch 48: Forty Something

| May 9, 2011

Oh, lawsey, lawsey, lawsey. Here we are again with another Aggressive Couch for your refusal! Embarrassed to be White: Why do we assume that the best way to show solidarity with another gender/race/minority is to disparage our own? Royal Pain: So, the royal wedding happened. Did anyone really care? Imagine-nerd: The Democrats need an […]