The New Aggressive Couch!

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Better Than Cable

I just had a dream (I take naps in the afternoon, fuck off!) where I was on a reality TV show with Michael Jackson’s son, who was easily 10 years older than me. We were supposed to spend a week in a mansion together, but all there was in the fridge was heads of lettuce.

“It’s good lettuce…” he said, trailing off.

I took a head and meandered over to the side entrance door, while he walked upstairs with his salad.

Then I yelled up after him, “Come downstairs!”

“In a minute!” he replied.

“Come downstairs now or I’ll shove this lettuce up your ass!” I said playfully, grinning for the cameras.

He came downstairs, amused and curious. The reason for our heads of lettuce was about to be revealed…



A giant rhinoceros sauntered into view.

Voiceover: The two had one week to learn to care for the rhinoceros.

Me: Wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up

Me (awake): I’m awake! Why don’t I post this to the Couch?

About The Author

Now it's my turn to hump the mic!


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