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Football Fox… Predicts!

Hello, I am Football Fox, here to entertain you with my fearless predictions for the coming football season.
First of all, I predict that the Super Bowl will be in February.
Secondly, I bet there will be a lot of balls lost by shortsighted shortstops.

Thirdly, I have it on good word that Magic Jordan will retire as the goalie of the Chicago Cubs.
Miami Heat quarterback Larry Hanrahan will be suspended for two games for ripping out the heart of Wisconcon Dairy Queen three-eights-back Phil Merlin and eating it during half-time.
The Miami Manatees’ plane will crash in the Arizona desert, and the surviving team members will be forced to eat themselves to stay alive.
Cleveland Brown’s head coach Donovan Whatserall will be fired and decapitated for throwing an actual human foot on to the field.

The Calgary Photons will be forced to trade ace pitcher Magneto when he no longer gets along with right handed left fielder Peter Parker.
The Minnesota Vikings will be kicked out of the NFL for burning and pillaging Green Bay.
Finally, Tom Moth will enter rehab for his drinking problem and emerge six months later as a beautiful butterfly.
That’s all for this year. So stay tuned for next time when Dave decides to post a bunch of pictures of oh so cute foxes!


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Now it's my turn to hump the mic!


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